Thursday 14 November 2019

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 3


192956                                                                                                      192777

Nenek dan Datuk
Hari ini Alim dan keluarga akan pulang ke kampung. Alim akan pulang ke kampung nenek dan datuk di Kajang. Alim mempunyai dua nenek dan dua datuk. Nenek dan datuk sebelah ibu Alim tinggal di Kajang. Nenek dan datuk sebelah bapa Alim tinggal di Melaka.
Alim tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung. Alim ingin bermain dengan ayam dan itik nenek dan datuk di kampung.
Setelah 30 minit perjalanan, mereka pun sampai. Alim terus keluar dan mencari-cari ayam dan itik. Alim tidak berjumpa. Alim sedih. Alim marah. Alim menangis. Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di kampung.
Ibu dan bapa pula sibuk mengeluarkan beg dari dalam kereta. Abang Imran dan Kak Madinah juga mengangkat beg masing-masing ke dalam rumah nenek dan datuk. Aisyah sibuk mencari permainan yang tertinggal di celah-celah kerusi di dalam kereta. Nenek dan datuk berlari mendapatkan Alim yang sedang menangis di tepi reban.
         Cerita di atas menunjukkan bahawa Alim dan keluarganya pernah pulang ke kampung sebelum ini. Alim serta adik beradiknya tahu bahawa nenek dan datuk mereka tinggal di Kajang dan Melaka. Malah, Alim masih ingat bahawa kampung nenek dan atuk mempunyai ayam dan itik. Keluarga Alim juga dianggap sebagai keluarga yang memetingkan kekeluargaan memandangkan mereka kerap pulang ke kedua-dua kampung halaman. Alim kelihatan gembira malah didapati tidak sabar untuk bermain dengan binatang ternakan nenek. Hal ini juga jelas apabila Alim sibuk mencari binatang ternakan itu setelah mereka tibanya di kampung. Namun, Alim kelihatan resah apabila tidak berjumpa dengan binatang yang dicari. Hal ini merujuk kepada perbutan Alim yang tidak tentu hala emosinya. Misalnya, “Alim sedih. Alim marah. Alim menangis. Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di kampung”. Ini menunjukkan bahawa emosi Alim terusik kerana dia tidah berpuas hati. Malah Alim sedih dan marah lalu menangis. Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahawa Alim merasakan seperti tidak lengkap pulang ke kampung jika tidak nampak ayam dan itik.
 Nenek dan datuk pula terkejut melihat Alim menangis. Hal ini berkemungkinan sebelum ini, nenek dan datuk tidak pernah lihat Alim menangis dalam keadaan yang sedih dan marah. Nenek dan datuk juga sedih melihat Alim mengis. Persoalan dalam teks di atas merujuk kepada persoalan oleh Alim sendiri iaitu “Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di kampung”. Persoalan dalam diri Alim agak mengelirukan dirinya kerana dia berkemungkinan tercari-cari ayam dan itik namun seekor pun tidak kelihatan. Persoalan daripada pihak nenek dan datuk iaitu “ Nenek dan datuk berlari mendapatkan Alim yang sedang menangis di tepi reban”. Jelas apabila mereka ingin mengetahui mengapa Alim menengis dan marah. Teks di atas jelas memaparkan nilai sosial seperti nilai kasih sayang, tanggungjawab, rasional dan kerjasama. Setiap ahli keluarga Alim memainkan peranan yang penting.
         “Alim buat apa di sini?,” tanya nenek dan datuk kepada Alim.
         “Ayam dan itik sudah tidak ada!” bisik Alim sambil menangis.
         Alim tidak faham mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di dalam reban. Alim sangkakan semua ayam dan itik sudah
mati. Alim sedih. Alim menangis.
“Alim, tengok tu!,” kata nenek sambil menunjuk ke arah sekumpulan ayam dan itik di dalam reban yang baru
dibuat oleh datuk. Kelihatan datuk berdiri di hadapan reban baharu yang terletak 50 meter dari reban lama.
“Kenapa ayam dan itik tinggal di sana?,” tanya Alim keliru. Alim berjalan dengan nenek ke arah reban baharu.
Alim berhenti menangis. Alim tersenyum melihat ayam dan itik. Alim tidak mengendahkan nenek dan datuk yang
berdiri di sebelah Alim.
         Perbualan antara Alim dengan nenek serta datuknya di atas menunjukkan bahawa terdapat persoalan dan perujukan. Hal ini jelas terbukti apabila nenek dan datuk bertanya soalan kepada Alim. Misalnya, “Alim buat apa di sini?” dan “Kenapa ayam dan itik tinggal di sana?. Kedua-dua soalan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa nenek dan datuk serta Alim ingin mendapatkan kepastian. Soalan pertama yang ditanya oleh nenek dan datuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka ingin tahu mengapa Alim menangis dengan bertanyakan soalan yang tidak berkaitan ayam dan itik. Berkemungkinan mereka beranggapan bahawa Alim sakit ataupun lapar sehinggakan Alim menangis. Setelah mendapat jawapan yang diinginkan, barulah nenek dan datuk faham keadaan Alim. Namun, Alim pula masih tidak faham dan masih sedih dengan keadaan tersebut. Malah, Alim mengandaikan bahawa ayam dan itik sudah mati. Hal ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Alim sangat sayang akan binatang tersebut lalu dia menangis kekecewaan. Setelah Alim mendapat jawapan tentang ayam dan itik, kelihatan gembira semula. Hal ini jelas apabila Alim bermain dengan ayam dan meninggalkan nenek dan datuk yang berdiri di sebelahnya. Alim berkemungkinan berpuas hati setelah melihat ayam dan itik dan kedua-dua binatang inilah yang membuatkan dia gembira dan tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung.
Setelah puas melihat ayam dan itik, Alim pun masuk ke rumah nenek dan datuk. Alim pandang sekeliling. Alim
jadi keliru melihat keadaan rumah nenek dan datuk yang berlainan daripada biasa. Alim sedih. Alim terus
menangis. Alim sangkakan rumah nenek dan datuk sudah tiada.
Nenek memujuk Alim. Nenek pegang tangan Alim sambil berjalan keliling rumah sambil bercerita tentang almari,
katil, kerusi dan dapur kepada Alim.
Alim berhenti menangis. Alim duduk di ruang tamu sambil menonton televisyen bersama Abang Imran, Kak
Madinah dan Aisyah.
Ibu bapa serta nenek dan datuk sedih melihat kelakuan Alim hari ini. Mereka hairan kenapa tiba-tiba Alim
menangis tanpa sebab. Namun, mereka cuba untuk membantu Alim.
         Perenggan di atas pula jelas menunjukkan bahawa Alim gembira dan berpuas hati setelah dapat melihat ayam dan itik. Namun, oleh sebab Alim seorang kanak-kanak istimewa maka kekeliruan Alim terserlah apabila dia masuk ke dalam rumah.
Hal ini merujuk kepada ayat seperti “Alim jadi keliru melihat keadaan rumah nenek dan datuk yang berlainan daripada biasa. Alim sedih. Alim terus menangis. Alim sangkakan rumah dan datuk sudah tiada”. Alim mempunyai keadaan dan perasaan yang tidak stabil, iaitu dia akan keliru pada bila-bila masa. Dia tidak akan berpuas hati jika satu-satu perubahan itu berlaku. Ayat di atas menunjukkan bahawa Alim keliru apabila keadaan dan susun atur perabot rumah nenek dan datuk nampak berlainan daripada sebelumnya. Hal ini berkemungkinan, sebelum ini Alim tahu susun atur rumah nenek yang tidak berubah. Perasaan Alim menjadi sedih dan dia terus menangis. Perasaan sedih merujuk kepada Alim yang keliru dengan susun atur rumah yang disangkakan bukan rumah nenek dan datuknya.
Watak nenek dalam cerita ini menunjukkan bahawa dia seorang yang lemah lembut dan penyayang. Nenek akan cuba memujuk Alim dengan bercerita secara terperinci tentang setiap perabot dalam rumah tersebut. Hal ini juga berkemungkinan suara nenek yang lembut dapat memberikan ketenangan dalam hati Alim dan membuatkan Alim berhenti menangis. Ibu dan bapa Alim juga kelihatan sedih apabila melihat keadaan Alim yang mempunyai perasaan yang bertukar dalam sekelip mata. Hal ini merujuk kepada ayat seperti “Ibu bapa serta nenek dan datuk sedih melihat kelakuan Alim hari ini. Mereka hairan kepada tiba-tiba Alim menangis tanpa sebab. Namun, mereka cuba untuk menolong Alim”. Ayat ini jelas merujuk keadaan ibu dan bapa Alim dalam keadaan sedih kerana keadaan Alim yang tidak menetu sejak kebelakangan ini. Sejajar dengan itu, sebagai ibu dan bapa Alim yang penyayang, mereka tetap akan cuba menolong Alim dalam setiap keadaan. Hal ini dapat dilihat mempunyai nilai kasih saying dan tanggungjawab ibu bapa terhadap anak-anak mereka.
Kelihatan dari dapur, Alim ketawa bersama Abang Imran, Kak Madinah dan Aisyah. Mereka ketawa sambal menonton cerita kartun yang disiarkan di dalam televisyen.
Suasana kampung yang berlainan daripada biasa membuatkan Alim sekeluarga lebih rapat. Alim tahu di mana ayam dan itik dan reban ayam. Alim juga tahu di mana reban ayam yang baharu.
Perenggan di atas jelas menunjukkan nilai kasih sayang dalam keluarga Alim. Abang Imran, Kak Madinah dan Aisyah melayan gelagat Alim dengan baik. Mereka kelihatan gembira bersama-sama, walaupun kadangkala emosi Alim tidak menentu. Alim pula kelihatan gembira dan berpuas hati setelah dapat melihat sendiri ayam dan itik nenek yang berada dalam reban. Malah, Alim juga tahu di mana reban ayam yang baharu. Alim merujuk ayam dan itik nenek dengan reban. Hal ini kerana pada mulanya dia tidak berjumpa dengan binatang tersebut dan akhirnya mendapat tahu bahawa semua binatang berada dalam reban.
Rumusannya, nilai sosial terkandung dalam cerita sosial di atas jelas terpapar dalam diri Alim dan keluarganya. Ibu dan bapa mempunyai nilai kekeluargaan. Nenek dan datuk mempunyai nilai kasih sayang, ambil berat, rasional, tanggungjawab, ikhlas, jujur, baik hati dan kekeluargaan. Malah, Alim sendiri mempunyai nilai sosial yang dipelajarinya setiap hari. Alim akan merujuk ahli keluarganya dalam memahami setiap nilai dan cuba untuk bersosial dengan ahli keluarganya. Nilai sosial ini penting dalam kehidupan Alim yang tidak faham dan harus diingatkan setiap masa.

Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris (
Bahasa Inggeris
Nenek dan Datuk
Grandmother and Datuk
Grandmother and Grandfather
Hari ini Alim dan keluarga akan pulang ke kampung.
Today Alim and family will return to village.
Today Alim and family will return to village.
Alim akan pulang ke kampung nenek dan datuk di Kajang.
Alim will return to grandmother's village and grandfather in Kajang.
Alim will return to grandmother's and grandfather’s village and in Kajang.
Alim mempunyai dua nenek dan dua datuk.
Religious have two grandmother and two grandfathers.
Alim have two grandmother and two grandfathers.
Nenek dan datuk sebelah ibu Alim tinggal di Kajang.
Grandmother and grandfather side Alim's mother lives in Kajang.
Grandmother and grandfather side Alim's mother lives in Kajang.
Nenek dan datuk sebelah bapa Alim tinggal di Melaka.
Grandmother and grandfather side Alim's father lives in Malacca.
Grandmother and grandfather side Alim's father lives in Malacca.
Alim tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung.
Religious cannot wait to return to village.
Alim cannot wait to return to village.
Alim ingin bermain dengan ayam dan itik nenek dan datuk di kampung.
Alim want play with chicken and grandmother duck and grandfather in village.
Alim want play with grandmother’s and grandfather’s  chickens and   ducks and in village.
Setelah 30 minit perjalanan, mereka pun sampai.
After 30 minutes journey, they also reach.
After 30 minutes of journey, they are reach.
Alim terus keluar dan mencari-cari ayam dan itik.
Alim keep coming out and searches chicken and duck.
Alim keep coming out and searches chicken and duck.
Alim tidak berjumpa.
Religious had not seen.
Alim had not seen.
Alim sedih.
Sad religious.
Alim was sad.
Alim marah.
Religious angry.
Alim was angry.
Alim menangis.
Religious cry.
Alim was cry.
Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di kampung.
Religious do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village.
Alim do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village.
Ibu dan bapa pula sibuk mengeluarkan beg dari dalam kereta.
Parents on the other hand busy issuing bag from within car.
Parents on the other hand busy issuing bag from within car.
Abang Imran dan Kak Madinah juga mengangkat beg masing-masing ke dalam rumah nenek dan datuk.
Abang Imran and Madinah Kak also take up respective bags into grandmother house and grandfather.
Abang Imran and Kak Madinah  also take up respective bags into grandmother house and grandfather.
Aisyah sibuk mencari permainan yang tertinggal di celah-celah kerusi di dalam kereta.
Aisyah is busy find game that left among chair in car.
Aisyah is busy find game that left among chair in car.
Nenek dan datuk berlari mendapatkan Alim yang sedang menangis di tepi reban.
Grandmother and grandfather running to get Alim who is crying by coop.
Grandmother and grandfather running to get Alim who is crying by coop.
Cerita di atas menunjukkan bahawa Alim dan keluarganya pernah pulang ke kampung sebelum ini.
Story above showed that Alim and his family have gone back to village earlier.
Story above showed that Alim and his family have gone back to village earlier.
Alim serta adik beradiknya tahu bahawa nenek dan datuk mereka tinggal di Kajang dan Melaka.
Religious and the siblings know that grandmother and their grandfather stay in Kajang and Malacca.
Alim and his siblings know that grandmother and their grandfather stay in Kajang and Malacca.
Malah, Alim masih ingat bahawa kampung nenek dan atuk mempunyai ayam dan itik.
In fact, Alim still remember that grandmother's village and grandfather have chicken and duck.
In fact, Alim still remember that grandmother's  and grandfather’s village have chickens and ducks.
Keluarga Alim juga dianggap sebagai keluarga yang memetingkan kekeluargaan memandangkan mereka kerap pulang ke kedua-dua kampung halaman.
Religious Family also considered as family that memetingkan family as they often return to both homeland.
Alim’s family also considered as family that memetingkan family as they often return to both homeland.
Alim kelihatan gembira malah didapati tidak sabar untuk bermain dengan binatang ternakan nenek.
Religious seemed happy in fact found cannot wait to play with grandmother livestock.
Alim seemed happy in fact found cannot wait to play with grandmother livestock.
Hal ini juga jelas apabila Alim sibuk mencari binatang ternakan itu setelah mereka tibanya di kampung.
This case also clear when Alim busy searching the livestock after they arrival of in village.
This case also clear when Alim busy searching the livestock after they arrival of in village.
Namun, Alim kelihatan resah apabila tidak berjumpa dengan binatang yang dicari.
However, Alim look restless when not see animal sought.
However, Alim look restless when not see animal sought.
Hal ini merujuk kepada perbuatan Alim yang tidak tentu hala emosinya.
This case refer to Alim's action that wildly his emotion.
This case refer to Alim's action that wildly his emotion.
Misalnya, “Alim sedih.
For Example, "Sad religious.
For Example, "Sad Alim.
Alim marah.
Religious angry.
Alim was angry.
Alim menangis.
Religious cry.
Alim was cry.
Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di kampung”.
Religious do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village".
Alim do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village".
Ini menunjukkan bahawa emosi Alim terusik kerana dia tidak berpuas hati.
This show that Alim's emotion teasing because he not satisfied.
This show that Alim's emotion teasing because he not satisfied.
Malah Alim sedih dan marah lalu menangis.
In fact Alim sad and angry and cry.
In fact Alim sad, angry and then cry.
Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahawa Alim merasakan seperti tidak lengkap pulang ke kampung jika tidak nampak ayam dan itik.
This case also indicated that Alim feels like incomplete return to village if do not see chicken and duck.
This case also indicated that Alim feels like incomplete return to village if do not see chicken and duck.
Nenek dan datuk pula terkejut melihat Alim menangis.
Grandmother and grandfather on the other hand was shocked to see Alim cries.
Grandmother and grandfather on the other hand was shocked to see Alim cries.
Hal ini berkemungkinan sebelum ini, nenek dan datuk tidak pernah lihat Alim menangis dalam keadaan yang sedih dan marah.
This case likely previously, grandmother and grandfather never seen Alim cries in condition that is sad and angry.
This case likely previously, grandmother and grandfather never seen Alim cries in condition that is sad and angry.
Nenek dan datuk juga sedih melihat Alim menangis.
Grandmother and grandfather also depressed see Alim sad.
Grandmother and grandfather also depressed to see Alim sad.
Persoalan dalam teks di atas merujuk kepada persoalan oleh Alim sendiri iaitu “Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di kampung”.
Issue in text above refer to issue by Alim himself namely "Religious do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village".
Issue in text above refer to issue by Alim himself namely "Alim do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village".
Persoalan dalam diri Alim agak mengelirukan dirinya kerana dia berkemungkinan tercari-cari ayam dan itik namun seekor pun tidak kelihatan.
Issue in Alim's self is quite confusing himself because he likely groping for chicken and duck however a also does not appear.
Issue in Alim's self is quite confusing himself because he likely groping for chicken and duck however it also does not appear.
Persoalan daripada pihak nenek dan datuk iaitu “ Nenek dan datuk berlari mendapatkan Alim yang sedang menangis di tepi reban”.
Issue from parties grandmother and grandfather namely " Grandmother and grandfather running to get Alim who is crying by coop".
Issue from parties grandmother and grandfather is" Grandmother and grandfather running to get Alim who is crying by coop".
Jelas apabila mereka ingin mengetahui mengapa Alim menangis dan marah.
Clearly when they inquisitive why Alim cry and angry.
Clearly when they inquisitive why Alim cry and angry.
Teks di atas jelas memaparkan nilai sosial seperti nilai kasih sayang, tanggungjawab, rasional dan kerjasama.
Text above clearly displaying social value like value of love, responsibility, rational and cooperation.
Text above clearly displaying social value like value of love, responsibility, rational and cooperation.
Setiap ahli keluarga Alim memainkan peranan yang penting.
Every Alim's family member plays role that is important.
Everyone in Alim's family member plays the important role.
“Alim buat apa di sini?,” tanya nenek dan datuk kepada Alim.
"Alim do what here?," ask grandmother and grandfather to Alim.
"Alim do what here?," ask grandmother and grandfather to Alim.
“Ayam dan itik sudah tidak ada!” bisik Alim sambil menangis.

"Chicken and duck had there has been no!" whisper Alim tearfully.
"Chicken and duck had there has been no!" whisper Alim tearfully.
Alim tidak faham mengapa ayam dan itik tidak ada di dalam reban.

Religious did not understand why chicken and duck there has been no in coop.
Alim  did not understand why chicken and duck there has been no in coop.
Alim sangkakan semua ayam dan itik sudah mati.
Religious suspicious all chickens and duck had dead.
Alim suspicious all chickens and duck had dead.
Alim sedih.
Sad religious.
Alim was sad.
Alim menangis.
Religious cry.
Alim was cry.
“Alim, tengok tu!,” kata nenek sambil menunjuk ke arah sekumpulan ayam dan itik di dalam reban yang baru
dibuat oleh datuk.
"Religious , see that!," said grandmother while showing towards a group of chicken and duck in coop that new
made by grandfather.
“Alim, look at that!,” said grandmother while showing towards a group of chicken and duck in coop that new made by grandfather.

Kelihatan datuk berdiri di hadapan reban baharu yang terletak 50 meter dari reban lama.
Look grandfather stand before new coop located 50 metres from coop long.
Look, grandfather stand in front of new coop located 50 metres from old coop.
“Kenapa ayam dan itik tinggal di sana?,” tanya Alim keliru.

"Why chicken and duck live there?," ask Alim confused.
"Why chickens and ducks live there?," ask Alim confusely.
Alim berjalan dengan nenek ke arah reban baharu.

Religious walk with grandmother to new coop direction.
Alim walked with grandmother to the new coop’s direction.
Alim berhenti menangis.

Religious stop crying.
Alim stop crying
Alim tersenyum melihat ayam dan itik.

Religious smiled to see chicken and duck.
Alim smiled to see chickens and ducks.
Alim tidak mengendahkan nenek dan datuk yang
berdiri di sebelah Alim.
Religious disregard grandmother and grandfather that
standing next to Alim.
Alim disregard grandmother and grandfather that standing next to Alim.
Perbualan antara Alim dengan nenek serta datuknya di atas menunjukkan bahawa terdapat persoalan dan perujukan.
Conversation between Alim with his grandmother and grandfather above showed that there is issue and reference.
Conversation between Alim with his grandmother and grandfather above showed that there are issue and reference.
Hal ini jelas terbukti apabila nenek dan datuk bertanya soalan kepada Alim.
Hal clear proven when grandmother and grandfather ask questions to Alim.
It is clear proven when grandmother and grandfather ask questions to Alim.
Misalnya, “Alim buat apa di sini?” dan “Kenapa ayam dan itik tinggal di sana?.
For Example, "Alim do what here?" and "Why chicken and duck live there?
For the example, “Alim, what are you doing here?” and “Why chickens and ducks live there?”
Kedua-dua soalan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa nenek dan datuk serta Alim ingin mendapatkan kepastian.
Both questions clear show that grandmother and grandfather and Alim want to get assurance.
Both questions clear showed that grandmother, grandfather and Alim want to get assurance.
Soalan pertama yang ditanya oleh nenek dan datuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka ingin tahu mengapa Alim menangis dengan bertanyakan soalan yang tidak berkaitan ayam dan itik.
First question asked by grandmother and grandfather show that they curious why Alim cries by asking about unrelated question chicken and duck
First question that asked by grandmother and grandfather showed that they curious why Alim cries by asking about unrelated question chicken and duck.
Berkemungkinan mereka beranggapan bahawa Alim sakit ataupun lapar sehinggakan Alim menangis.
Likely they think that Alim ill or hungry until Alim cries.
Likely they thought Alim ill or hungry until he cried.
Setelah mendapat jawapan yang diinginkan, barulah nenek dan datuk faham keadaan Alim.
After get the answer desired, new grandmother and grandfather understand Alim's condition
After got the answer desired, grandmother and grandfather could understand Alim's condition.
Namun, Alim pula masih tidak faham dan masih sedih dengan keadaan tersebut.
However, Alim on the other hand still do not understand and still depressed with the condition.
However, Alim was on the other hand what still do not understand and still depressed with the condition.
Malah, Alim mengandaikan bahawa ayam dan itik sudah mati.
In fact, Alim implies that chicken and duck already dead.
In fact, Alim implied that chickens and ducks already dead.

Hal ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Alim sangat sayang akan binatang tersebut lalu dia menangis kekecewaan.
This case clear show that Alim very dear will the animal and he cry disappointment.
That clearly showed Alim very loves the animals and he cried in disappointment.

Setelah Alim mendapat jawapan tentang ayam dan itik, kelihatan gembira semula.
After Alim gets replies on chicken and duck, seemed happy again.
After Alim got replies on chickens and ducks, he seemed happy again.
Hal ini jelas apabila Alim bermain dengan ayam dan meninggalkan nenek dan datuk yang berdiri di sebelahnya.
Hal clear when Alim plays with chicken and leave grandmother and grandfather that standing next to him.
It is showed when Alim played with chickens and left grandmother and grandfather that standing next to him.
Alim berkemungkinan berpuas hati setelah melihat ayam dan itik dan kedua-dua binatang inilah yang membuatkan dia gembira dan tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung.
Alim likely satisfied after seeing chicken and duck and both animals that make him happy and cannot wait to return to village.
Alim likely satisfied after seeing chicken and duck and both animals that make him happy and cannot wait to return to village.
Setelah puas melihat ayam dan itik, Alim pun masuk ke rumah nenek dan datuk.

After have seen enough chicken and duck, Alim also enter to grandmother house and grandfather.
After have look enough to chickens and ducks, Alim also enter to grandmother and grandfather’s house.
Alim pandang sekeliling.

Religious look around.
Alim looked around.
jadi keliru melihat keadaan rumah nenek dan datuk yang berlainan daripada biasa.

Alim so confused see grandmother house condition and grandfather that are different than usual.
Alim so confused to see the condition of grandmother and grandfather’s house that was different than usual.
Alim sedih.

Sad religious.
Alim was sad.
Alim terus
Alim continue
Alim continued cry.
Alim sangkakan rumah nenek dan datuk sudah tiada.
Religious suspicious grandmother house and grandfather had no.
Alim got suspicious that his grandmother and grandfather had no house anymore.
Nenek memujuk Alim.

Grandmother persuade Alim

Grandmother persuaded Alim
Nenek pegang tangan Alim sambil berjalan keliling rumah sambil bercerita tentang almari,
katil, kerusi dan dapur kepada Alim.

Alim's handheld grandmother while walking circle house as talk about cupboard,
bed, chair and kitchen to Alim.
Alim's handheld by his grandmother while walking around house and talk about cupboard,
bed, chair and kitchen to Alim.
Alim berhenti menangis.

Religious stop crying.
Alim stop cried.
Alim duduk di ruang tamu sambil menonton televisyen bersama Abang Imran, Kak
Madinah dan Aisyah.

Religious sit in living room while watching television with Abang Imran, Kak
Madinah and Aisyah.
Alim sat in living room while watching television with Abang Imran, Kak
Madinah and Aisyah
Ibu bapa serta nenek dan datuk sedih melihat kelakuan Alim hari ini.
Parents and grandmother and sad grandfather see Alim's behaviour today.
His parents, grandmother and grandfather were sad to see Alim's behaviour today.

Mereka hairan kenapa tiba-tiba Alim menangis tanpa sebab.
They are surprised why suddenly Alim
crying without cause.
They wondered why suddenly Alim crying without any reason.
Namun, mereka cuba untuk membantu Alim.
However, they attempting to help Alim.
However, they attempted to help Alim.
Perenggan di atas pula jelas menunjukkan bahawa Alim gembira dan berpuas hati setelah dapat melihat ayam dan itik.
Paragraph above on the other hand clear show that Alim happy and satisfied after getting see chicken and duck.
The paragraph above clearly showed that Alim was happy and satisfied after got to see chickens and ducks.
Namun, oleh sebab Alim seorang kanak-kanak istimewa maka kekeliruan Alim terserlah apabila dia masuk ke dalam rumah.
However, because Alim a special children so Alim's confusion is outstanding when she entered into house.

However, because of Alim is a special child, so Alim's confusion was outstanding when he entered into house.
Hal ini merujuk kepada ayat seperti “Alim jadi keliru melihat keadaan rumah nenek dan datuk yang berlainan daripada biasa.
This case refer to sentence like "Religious so confused see grandmother house condition and grandfather that are different than usual
It was refers to sentence like "Alim so confused to see grandmother and grandfather’s house that was different than usual
Alim sedih.

Sad religious.
Alim was sad

Alim terus menangis.
Alim continue to cry.
Alim continued to cry
Alim sangkakan rumah dan datuk sudah tiada”.
Religious suspicious house and grandfather had no"

Alim got suspicious that grandfather had no house"
Alim mempunyai keadaan dan perasaan yang tidak stabil, iaitu dia akan keliru pada bila-bila masa.
Religious have condition and feeling that are unstable, namely he will be confused at anytime.
Alim had condition and feeling that were unstable, namely he would be confused at anytime.
Dia tidak akan berpuas hati jika satu-satu perubahan itu berlaku.
He would never satisfied if a the change happen.
He would never satisfied if a change happen.
Ayat di atas menunjukkan bahawa Alim keliru apabila keadaan dan susun atur perabot rumah nenek dan datuk nampak berlainan daripada sebelumnya.
Sentence above showed that Alim confused when circumstances and grandmother house furniture layout and grandfather seems to be different than previously
The sentence above showed that Alim confused when circumstances and grandmother and grandfather’s house furniture layout seems to be different than previously

Hal ini berkemungkinan, sebelum ini Alim tahu susun atur rumah nenek yang tidak berubah.
This case likely, previously Alim knows grandmother house layout that unchanged
It was likely, previously Alim knows grandmother’s house layout that unchanged

Perasaan Alim menjadi sedih dan dia terus menangis.
Alim's feeling becomes sad and he continue to cry.
Alim's feeling became sad and he continued to cry.
Perasaan sedih merujuk kepada Alim yang keliru dengan susun atur rumah yang disangkakan bukan rumah nenek dan datuknya.
Sad feelings refer to Alim that confused with house layout expected not his grandmother house and grandfather
Sad feelings refer to Alim that confused with house layout expected that not his grandmother and grandfather’s house
Watak nenek dalam cerita ini menunjukkan bahawa dia seorang yang lemah lembut dan penyayang.
Grandmother character in story this show that he is a that gentle and caring.
Grandmother character in this story showed that he was a gentle and caring.
Nenek akan cuba memujuk Alim dengan bercerita secara terperinci tentang setiap perabot dalam rumah tersebut.
Grandmother will try to persuade Alim by telling stories in detail on every furniture in the house
Grandmother would try to persuade Alim by telling stories in detail on every furniture in the house
Hal ini juga berkemungkinan suara nenek yang lembut dapat memberikan ketenangan dalam hati Alim dan membuatkan Alim berhenti menangis.
This case also likely grandmother's voice that is soft could provide peace in Alim's heart and make Alim stop crying.
It was also likely grandmother's voice that was soft which is could provide peace in Alim's heart and made Alim stop crying.
Ibu dan bapa Alim juga kelihatan sedih apabila melihat keadaan Alim yang mempunyai perasaan yang bertukar dalam sekelip mata.
Parents Alim also appears sad to see Alim's condition with feeling that change blink of an eye.
Alim’s parent also looked sad to see Alim's condition with feeling that change blink of an eye.
Hal ini merujuk kepada ayat seperti “Ibu bapa serta nenek dan datuk sedih melihat kelakuan Alim hari ini.
This case refer to sentence like "Parents and grandmother and sad grandfather see Alim's behaviour today
It was refer to sentence like "Parents and grandmother and grandfather  sad to see Alim's behaviour today
Mereka hairan kepada tiba-tiba Alim menangis tanpa sebab.
They are surprised to suddenly Alim cries without cause
They surprised to suddenly Alim cried without any reason.

Namun, mereka cuba untuk menolong Alim”.
However, they try to help Alim".
However, they tried to help Alim".

Ayat ini jelas merujuk keadaan ibu dan bapa Alim dalam keadaan sedih kerana keadaan Alim yang tidak menetu sejak kebelakangan ini.
This sentence obvious reference Alim's condition of parents in grief because Alim's condition that uncertain recently
This sentence obviously refers to Alim's condition of parents in grief because Alim's condition that uncertain recently
Sejajar dengan itu, sebagai ibu dan bapa Alim yang penyayang, mereka tetap akan cuba menolong Alim dalam setiap keadaan..
Parallel therefore, as Alim's parents that are caring, they still will try to help Alim in every condition.
Therefore, as Alim's parents that was caring, they still would try to help Alim in every condition.


Hal ini dapat dilihat mempunyai nilai kasih saying dan tanggungjawab ibu bapa terhadap anak-anak mereka
Hal visible has value of love and parental responsibility towards their children
It was visible had value of love and parental responsibility towards their children

Kelihatan dari dapur, Alim ketawa bersama Abang Imran, Kak Madinah dan Aisyah.

Shows from kitchen, Alim laughs with Abang Imran, Madinah Kak and Aisyah.

Seen from kitchen, Alim laughed with Abang Imran, Kak Madinah and Aisyah.
Mereka ketawa sambal menonton cerita kartun yang disiarkan di dalam televisyen.

They laugh while watching cartoon story broadcasted in television.
They laughed while watching cartoon story broadcasted in television.

Suasana kampung yang berlainan daripada biasa membuatkan Alim sekeluarga lebih rapat.
Village environment that is different than usual make Alim closer family.
Village’s environment that was different than usual make Alim more closer to family.
Alim tahu di mana ayam dan itik dan reban ayam.
Alim knows where chicken and duck and chicken coop.
Alim knew where chicken and duck and chicken coop.
Alim juga tahu di mana reban ayam yang baharu.
Religious also know where chicken coop that is new.
Alim also knew where the new chicken coop           
Perenggan di atas jelas menunjukkan nilai kasih sayang dalam keluarga Alim.
Paragraph above clear demonstrate value of love in Alim's family.
The paragraph above clearly demonstrates value of love in Alim's family.
Abang Imran, Kak Madinah dan Aisyah melayan gelagat Alim dengan baik.
Abang Imran, Madinah Kak and Aisyah serves Alim's action well
Abang Imran, kak Madinah and Aisyah served Alim's action well
Mereka kelihatan gembira bersama-sama, walaupun kadangkala emosi Alim tidak menentu.
They seemed happy together, though sometimes Alim's emotion uncertain.
They seemed happy together, though sometimes Alim's emotion uncertain.
Alim pula kelihatan gembira dan berpuas hati setelah dapat melihat sendiri ayam dan itik nenek yang berada dalam reban.
Religious on the other hand seemed happy and satisfied after getting see for oneself chicken and grandmother duck that in coop
Alim on the other hand seemed happy and satisfied after getting see for himself chickens and grandmother’s ducks that in coop
Malah, Alim juga tahu di mana reban ayam yang baharu.
In fact, Alim also know where chicken coop that is new.
In fact, Alim also knew where was the new chicken coop .
Alim merujuk ayam dan itik nenek dengan reban.
Religious refer chicken and grandmother duck with coop.
Alim refers chickens and ducks with grandmother to coop.
Hal ini kerana pada mulanya dia tidak berjumpa dengan binatang tersebut dan akhirnya mendapat tahu bahawa semua binatang berada dalam reban.
This case because initially he does not see the animal and finally found out that all animals in coop.
It was because initially he does not see the animal and finally found out that all animals in coop.
Rumusannya, nilai sosial terkandung dalam cerita sosial di atas jelas terpapar dalam diri Alim dan keluarganya.
The summary, social value contained in story social above clear being displayed in Alim and his family's self.
In conclusion, social value that contained in story social above clearly being displayed in Alim and his family's self.
Ibu dan bapa mempunyai nilai kekeluargaan.
Parents has family values.
Parents had family values.    
Nenek dan datuk mempunyai nilai kasih sayang, ambil berat, rasional, tanggungjawab, ikhlas, jujur, baik hati dan kekeluargaan.
Grandmother and grandfather has value of love, care, rational, responsibility, sincere, honest, kind and family.
Grandmother and grandfather had value of love, care, rational, responsibility, sincere, honest, kind and family.
Malah, Alim sendiri mempunyai nilai sosial yang dipelajarinya setiap hari.
In fact, Alim himself has social value that learned by him every day.
In fact, Alim himself had social value that learned by him every day.

Alim akan merujuk ahli keluarganya dalam memahami setiap nilai dan cuba untuk bersosial dengan ahli keluarganya.
Alim will refer his family member in understanding every value and try to socialize with his family member.
Alim would refer his family member in understanding every value and try to socialize with his family member.
Nilai sosial ini penting dalam kehidupan Alim yang tidak faham dan harus diingatkan setiap masa.
This social value is important in Alim's life that did not understand and should be reminded all along.
This social value is important in Alim's life that did not understand and should be reminded all along.

Grandmother and Grandfather
Today Alim and family will return to village. Alim will return to grandmother's and grandfather’s village and in Kajang. Alim have two grandmother and two grandfathers. Grandmother and grandfather side Alim's mother lives in Kajang. Grandmother and grandfather side Alim's father lives in Malacca.
Alim cannot wait to return to village.Alim want play with grandmother’s and grandfather’s  chickens and   ducks and in village.
After 30 minutes of journey, they are reach. Alim keep coming out and searches chicken and duck. Alim had not seen. Alim was sad. Alim was angry. Alim was cry. Alim do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village.
Parents on the other hand busy issuing bag from within car.
Brother Imran and Sister Madinah  also take up respective bags into grandmother house and grandfather.
Aisyah is busy find game that left among chair in car.
Grandmother and grandfather running to get Alim who is crying by coop.
Story above showed that Alim and his family have gone back to village earlier.
Alim and his siblings know that grandmother and their grandfather stay in Kajang and Malacca.
In fact, Alim still remember that grandmother's  and grandfather’s village have chickens and ducks.
Alim’s family also considered as family that memetingkan family as they often return to both homeland.
Alim seemed happy in fact found cannot wait to play with grandmother livestock.
This case also clear when Alim busy searching the livestock after they arrival of in village.
However, Alim look restless when not see animal sought.
This case refer to Alim's action that wildly his emotion.
For Example, "Sad Alim.
Alim was angry.
Alim was cry.
Alim do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village".
This show that Alim's emotion teasing because he not satisfied.
In fact Alim sad, angry and then cry.
This case also indicated that Alim feels like incomplete return to village if do not see chicken and duck.
Grandmother and grandfather on the other hand was shocked to see Alim cries.
This case likely previously, grandmother and grandfather never seen Alim cries in condition that is sad and angry.
Grandmother and grandfather also depressed to see Alim sad.
Issue in text above refer to issue by Alim himself namely "Alim do not know why chicken and duck there has been no in village".
Issue in Alim's self is quite confusing himself because he likely groping for chicken and duck however it also does not appear.
Issue from parties grandmother and grandfather is" Grandmother and grandfather running to get Alim who is crying by coop".
Clearly when they inquisitive why Alim cry and angry.
Text above clearly displaying social value like value of love, responsibility, rational and cooperation.
Everyone in Alim's family member plays the important role.
"Alim do what here?," ask grandmother and grandfather to Alim.
"Chicken and duck had there has been no!" whisper Alim tearfully.
Alim  did not understand why chicken and duck there has been no in coop.
Alim suspicious all chickens and duck had dead.
Alim was sad.
Alim was cry.
“Alim, look at that!,” said grandmother while showing towards a group of chicken and duck in coop that new made by grandfather.
Look, grandfather stand in front of new coop located 50 metres from old coop.
"Why chickens and ducks live there?," ask Alim confusely.
Alim walked with grandmother to the new coop’s direction.
Alim stop crying
Alim smiled to see chickens and ducks.
Alim disregard grandmother and grandfather that standing next to Alim.
Conversation between Alim with his grandmother and grandfather above showed that there are issue and reference.
It is clear proven when grandmother and grandfather ask questions to Alim.
For the example, “Alim, what are you doing here?” and “Why chickens and ducks live there?”
Both questions clear showed that grandmother, grandfather and Alim want to get assurance.
First question that asked by grandmother and grandfather showed that they curious why Alim cries by asking about unrelated question chicken and duck.
Likely they thought Alim ill or hungry until he cried.
After got the answer desired, grandmother and grandfather could understand Alim's condition.
However, Alim was on the other hand what still do not understand and still depressed with the condition.
In fact, Alim implied that chickens and ducks already dead.

That clearly showed Alim very loves the animals and he cried in disappointment.

After Alim got replies on chickens and ducks, he seemed happy again.
It is showed when Alim played with chickens and left grandmother and grandfather that standing next to him.
Alim likely satisfied after seeing chicken and duck and both animals that make him happy and cannot wait to return to village.
After have look enough to chickens and ducks, Alim also enter to grandmother and grandfather’s house.
Alim looked around.
Alim so confused to see the condition of grandmother and grandfather’s house that was different than usual.
Alim was sad.
Alim continued cry.
Alim got suspicious that his grandmother and grandfather had no house anymore.
Grandmother persuaded Alim
Alim's handheld by his grandmother while walking around house and talk about cupboard,
bed, chair and kitchen to Alim.
Alim stop cried.
Alim sat in living room while watching television with Abang Imran, Kak
Madinah and Aisyah
His parents, grandmother and grandfather were sad to see Alim's behaviour today.

They wondered why suddenly Alim crying without any reason.
However, they attempted to help Alim.
The paragraph above clearly showed that Alim was happy and satisfied after got to see chickens and ducks.
However, because of Alim is a special child, so Alim's confusion was outstanding when he entered into house.
It was refers to sentence like "Alim so confused to see grandmother and grandfather’s house that was different than usual
Alim was sad
Alim continued to cry
Alim got suspicious that grandfather had no house"
Alim had condition and feeling that were unstable, namely he would be confused at anytime.
He would never satisfied if a change happen.
The sentence above showed that Alim confused when circumstances and grandmother and grandfather’s house furniture layout seems to be different than previously

It was likely, previously Alim knows grandmother’s house layout that unchanged

Alim's feeling became sad and he continued to cry.
Sad feelings refer to Alim that confused with house layout expected that not his grandmother and grandfather’s house
Grandmother character in this story showed that he was a gentle and caring.
Grandmother would try to persuade Alim by telling stories in detail on every furniture in the house
It was also likely grandmother's voice that was soft which is could provide peace in Alim's heart and made Alim stop crying.
Alim’s parent also looked sad to see Alim's condition with feeling that change blink of an eye.
It was refer to sentence like "Parents and grandmother and grandfather  sad to see Alim's behaviour today
They surprised to suddenly Alim cried without any reason.

However, they tried to help Alim".

This sentence obviously refers to Alim's condition of parents in grief because Alim's condition that uncertain recently
Therefore, as Alim's parents that was caring, they still would try to help Alim in every condition.

It was visible had value of love and parental responsibility towards their children

Seen from kitchen, Alim laughed with Abang Imran, Kak Madinah and Aisyah.
They laughed while watching cartoon story broadcasted in television.

Village’s environment that was different than usual make Alim more closer to family.
Alim knew where chicken and duck and chicken coop.
Alim also knew where the new chicken coop
The paragraph above clearly demonstrates value of love in Alim's family.
Abang Imran, kak Madinah and Aisyah served Alim's action well
They seemed happy together, though sometimes Alim's emotion uncertain.
Alim on the other hand seemed happy and satisfied after getting see for himself chickens and grandmother’s ducks that in coop
In fact, Alim also knew where was the new chicken coop .
Alim refers chickens and ducks with grandmother to coop.
It was because initially he does not see the animal and finally found out that all animals in coop.
In conclusion, social value that contained in story social above clearly being displayed in Alim and his family's self.
Parents had family values.
Grandmother and grandfather had value of love, care, rational, responsibility, sincere, honest, kind and family.
In fact, Alim himself had social value that learned by him every day.

Alim would refer his family member in understanding every value and try to socialize with his family member.
This social value is important in Alim's life that did not understand and should be reminded all along.

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